// 寫在前面 // 我在想,如果不會音符不會樂理不會樂器也可以會作曲編曲那就太酷了, AI 可以成為幫手,有沒有可能把我寫的詞變成一首歌呢? 目前還沒有成,受限於歌詞字數限制 25 個字也太少了吧!還有,中文詞實在很難聽,我只好配合它寫英文詞,還好我的英語力還行,搭配拼命 Google 大神可以完整一首歌詞。 有幾句我多試了幾個曲風,把覺得好聽的記下來,雖然只是片段,但播出來的樂音時不時讓我驚艷,科技真的不能小覻,太強了!寫什麼句子都能唱,還變化萬千,會音樂的人應該可以從裡頭找靈感,擴張寫完整首歌,還真期待我的歌詞成為一首完整的歌。 以下是一個實驗品: 歌名: Life Goes On ( 生命繼續 ) 詞: Bagel Tsai ( 貝果 ) 曲: AI( 片段 ) Verse 1: In the heart of the night, under the fading starlight, We're searching for answers, in the shadows out of sight. The road may be rugged, the winds blow cold and strong, But with every step, we find a way to move on. Chorus: Life goes on, through the storm and the calm, With every dawn, we find the strength to carry on. No matter with pain, no matter run away, We stand together, singing in life's endless beautiful way. Verse 2: Tears may fall like rain, washing away the pain, And in their wake, new hopes begin to sprout like grain. Fo...